
Crunchy Spinach Breakfast Muffins




I am so sleepless and tired today…I’ve spent all night checking Bade’s high blood sugar. She had a terrible tantrum at 01.00 am due to high sugar. She kicked her dad and sent him away and only calmed down when I sang her her favourite songs. Her blood sugar was normal around 05.00 am  but it killed me anyway. I wish I could curl up somewhere and sleep for hours…

Today it’s such a negative, cold and bad day for a spring day. But if you have warm, crunchy spinach breakfast muffins at home everything becomes more bearable. So I sigh and watch my daughter eat happily and play by herself who seems unaware of last night, and rub my eyes. Thank goodness those muffins can be frozen, so I can warm them up on another bad day.
Ingredients: (Recipe for 9 muffins)
1 egg
1 tspn baking soda
1 pinch of rock salt
1 tblspn homemade yogurt or whey
1 cup almond meal
2 tblspns flaxseed meal
4 tspn raw spinach puree
1 cup grated mozzarella or dil cheese / or homamade tulum cheese
2 tblspns butter
2 tblspns shredded coconut
Nigella seeds for topping
Mix eggs with salt, butter, baking soda and vinegar. Add all the other ingredients and stir well with a wooden spoon. Pour inside muffin molds, bake until they become brown and crunchy in a pre-heated 160C oven.
 Bade even fed her toys with those muffins!

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