
Sesame & Cheese Breakfast Muffins

Yesterday we went to see that school I’ve mentioned on my previous post and I have to say I simply admired the place. It’s a very nice institute which should be an example to those so called “educators” who refuse to admit children with diabetes and ask for responsibility forms.
I think my wish has finally come true because I had the chance of meeting these people that made me feel like I can entrust my daughter with. Bade loved the place, didn’t even want to go back home.
And I am slowly starting to work on lunchbox ideas. I was in such a good mood yesterday evening, I soaked a cup of raw almonds and wondered what should I bake with them . Then I received a very nice message. This recipe is from a very dear reader of mine, it was such a good one that my wheels started to turn immediately. So today morning I came up with this recipe.
I thank her from the bottom of my heart.
Ingredients: (Makes 4 muffins)
1 cup 880 gr) almond meal
1 medium egg
1/2 cup shredded dil cheese (mozzarella is also fine)
4 tblspns sesame seeds (or flax seeds)
1 tspn baking soda
1 tspn rock salt
3 tblspn homemade yogurt (cow or goat)
1 tblspn butter / olive oil

1-Mix egg, yogurt, salt and butter well, add baking soda, sesame and almonds and blend until smooth.

2-Add cheese and stir in with a spoon.

3-Pour the mixture in previously greased or silicone muffin molds, sprinkle the top with sesames. Bake until golden, for 30 minutes in a preheated 170 C oven. Cool, serve.

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