Breakfast Spreads&Sauces

Kefir Cheese

The oldest finding on cheesemaking from kefir grains is the oldest cheese ever found in China, in the tombs of mummies of 3600 years old. Nowadays cheesemaking from rennet is much more common. Kefir cheese is mostly unknown. The cheese has a slightly sour taste, and is a richer source of probiotics than all the other cheeses. One of the most interesting sides is that its enzymes make sure it doesn’t spoil for a long time when kept in olive oil.

You don’t even have to keep it in the fridge.

As a big kefir admirer it was time for me to try it.  This cheese is ideal for breakfast, can be spiced up with herbs or added to salads, and can be a great appetizer. The whey it leaves behind is much more beneficial than any other cheese whey.
All you need,
1 lt raw milk (goat, cow or sheep)
1/2 tspn kefir grains
1 tspn rock salt(optional)
A firm cheesecloth
Cold pressed olive oil


1-First, boil your milk for 10 minutes and cool it to room temperature, pour it in a glass jar, and make
sure there is 4-5 cm empty space on top of the jar.

2-Add kefir grains and wait for 48 hours. You will have a kefir with yogurt consistency. Separate the kefir grains and keep in the fridge inside drinking water for later use.

3-Pour your kefir inside your cheesecloth, add salt and bind firmly, then hang it to drain its water. Make sure you collect its dripping whey. You can drink it or use it to make fermented vegetable or juice.

4-When your kefir stops dripping place it on a strainer and put something heavy on top, and wait for a few couple of hours. This way you will make sure all its whey is drained up.

5-Once you get your dry kefir you can either consume it immediately, use it as cream cheese or give the shape you like (crumble it or shape like small balls) and put inside a jar full of olive oil.

6-I, personally keep it in olive oil because it turns out to be very tasty. Do not put the jar in your fridge, keep in dark closet, because it will not spoil for at least 2 years – unless of course you do not consume them before.

Kaynak / Resource :

Comments (2)

  • This is great. However I wouldn’t recommend storing the grains in water. They have to eat to stay healthy.

    • thanks! Will keep em in milk at all times!


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